pile of miscellaneous hoarding items

How To Beat Hoarding

Hoarding is a serious disorder that seems impossible to overcome. With the right attitude, support, and motivation, hoarders can overcome their obsession and start a healthier, happier lifestyle. If you want to beat hoarding, you’re in the right place. We are the experts on hoarding help and cleanouts on the North Shore, MA. We are committed to helping hoarders get the support they need by clearing out their space and setting them up for success in the future. Learn below how to help yourself beat hoarding with the tips of Flannery’s Handymen!

Three Ways To Help Yourself Beat Hoarding

The first part is realizing you are ready to overcome your hoarding disorder. Learn below how to take the next steps to beat hoarding and improve your life!

Manage Your Hoarding

The first way is to start managing your hoarding. Like quitting smoking, there are better ways to motivate you than quitting cold turkey. Slowly organize things or set small goals each day for getting there. Make a set plan and follow it daily as you tidy up one small area at a time. Don’t overwhelm yourself with the whole house at once. Pick a room, start in one area, and slowly make progress. It’s also important to focus on spending time for yourself too. Make sure you leave your house for a few hours each day and do something to take your mind off things. Don’t think about shopping, saving, or collecting any items; focus on getting a cup of coffee or going for a walk as a break.

Stay Motivated 

As you begin your hoarding cleanout journey, it is important that you stay motivated. It may seem like nothing is getting done at first, but it is a slow process that shouldn’t be rushed. In order to effectively overcome your hoarding condition, it is important that you take things slow and stay on track. Try your best to remain motivated and not get too distracted. Seeing positive results will help you to stay committed to finishing through. This can be done by finding ways to track your progress, setting realistic goals, celebrating your success (even small ones), and asking for help to hold you accountable. 

Monitor Your Feelings

As you go through the hoarding cleanup process, you may be experiencing lots of emotions. It’s important that you monitor those and don’t ignore how it is making you feel. Hoarding has been a part of your life for a while, and some items you have held on to are important to you. Do not throw things away too fast or let others take something from you until you are ready. The process can be as slow as you need it to be so you can cope with your different emotions. You may feel sad, tired, stressed, overwhelmed, and angry at yourself and others. Talking to someone, letting out your tears, or keeping a journal are healthy and effective ways to help you beat hoarding.

North Shore MA’s Hoarding Help and Moving Company

Flannery’s Handymen of Salem, MA, is the North Shore’s go-to moving and hoarding cleanup company. We know hoarding is a severe problem, but we want to help those get the guidance and assistance they need to clean out their homes and start a healthier life. Our team of movers and cleanout professionals are ready to help with large and small challenges. We will work with the hoarder and their family to clean out their home room by room. We will help you move any items that you no longer need into a storage unit, dumpster, or donation center. Learn more about Flannery’s Handymen’s hoarding services and contact us today at 781-775-9943 for a quote!