parents with kids moving and playing with the boxes

How To Help Your Kids Prepare For A Move

Moving is hard for not only adults but also the kids involved. Packing, storing, and tossing items can also be difficult for your kids. They don’t always understand why a move is necessary and what the future may look like for them. The thought of moving can be scary, whether across town or the state. New schools, friends, and neighborhoods that are unknown to them can be challenging and stressful. It’s important to know that moving can also be a lot for your kids, so helping them prepare for a move is crucial. Learn more about moving tips for telling your kids about a move and helping them prepare for the next chapter.

How To Tell Your Kids You Are Moving

Telling your kids about a move can be hard. As a parent, you want the best for your kids and never want to put them in a stressful situation. When telling them you are moving, let them know early on. No kid wants to feel left out or find out about a serious life situation too late. Keeping them involved shows them you care and will give them plenty of time to prepare. It’s also important to remind them about the move often and just one time and forget about it. Talk about the move in an uplifting and exciting way to get them to look forward to their next chapter. Say things like “This will look good in your new room” or “What color do you want your new walls/comforter to be?”. Offering them independence in choosing how they decorate their new place will excite them for the move.

Tips To Prepare Your Kids For A Move

Learn below some helpful tips to prepare your kids for an upcoming move!

Allow Them To Have Emotions

Moving can bring lots of emotions to all who are involved. As a kid, they may be scared for the future and nervous for the unknown. Allow them to express their feelings and emotions; this will help them prepare for the move. Allow them to be upset for a little bit before the day of the move, and let them process their emotions. When they are ready, start to teach them how new things can be exciting and what they have to look forward to with the new move and their future.

Help Them Pack Up

Helping them pack up is important, but how you do this is very important. Packing up their items and throwing things away in front of them is never a good idea. It reminds them of toys, the ones they play with and mauve do not play with, and will make it harder for you to sort and organize what stays and what gets donated. Try to pack up while they are asleep or in another room to get their room packed up and ready.

Throw A “Going Away Party”

A going away party, or a “see you later party,” is a great way to bring all your friends, neighbors, and their kids together before you leave the neighborhood. This will show your kids that you can still be in touch with this group of people, and it’s not a goodbye, but a see you later. This party will help them take their mind off the move for a little bit and focus on the memories and good times they have had in this house with those people!

Ask For Help

Moving and packing up should never be done on your own. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, get the help you need from family, friends, and a moving company. Create an effective plan so everything works out well on the day of your move. Label boxes, categorize items, and take it one day and one room at a time. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with a move and have to help clean out your child’s items as well. Be sure to ask for help!

Moving and Storage Company on MA’s North Shore

Flannery’s Handymen is proud to be Salem, MA, and the North Shore’s go-to for all things moving and storing. Our professional movers are here to make your and your family’s life a little easier. Regardless of the time of year, moving can be stressful and overwhelming. Our team is here to help from start to finish and not only move your items to and from our trucks but also store them in a storage pod or a safe local self-storage facility. Learn more about our moving services and see how we can help take some weight off your shoulders!